Distinctive Benefits for your Students and Certified Membership:

  • We provide national recognition of superior academic achievement (the honor society acts as the unifying voice of our academic discipline).
  • We provide a national forum for the best educated people in our field to share thoughts and opinions on issues of primary concern throughout our discipline.
  • We provide an opportunity for high-achieving individuals to network and build new relationships/partnerships with people throughout the many fields of our discipline.
  • We provide an academic mechanism for maintaining our industry as a recognized profession.

Exclusive Benefits for your Institution:

  • Your school or professional association will be recognized as an “industry benchmark” for educating academically superior students and professionals in the Homeland Security associated disciplines.
  • Your institution will be considered a provider of superior academic and professional certification programs, just as some of the major colleges and associations who have already earned chapters from us.  
  • We encourage advanced learning and provide an incentive for students and professionals to pursue continued education.
  • Top scholastic student and professional members will be introduced to your organization and see firsthand your dedication and commitment to excellence.
  • Earning a chapter from our Society will position your institution as a lead voice in your field.  You will have a say in model academic program development as our Society becomes a provider of model program consultation.​

​​Benefits for Prospective Students and Industry Professionals

Benefits for Prospective Schools and Professional Associations

Dr. Thomas Swenson, PhD

Federal Emergency Management Agency

St. John's University Chapter

Still not convinced...  If you are still unsure, we could place you in contact with some of our recent inductees (student or professional) so that you can find out first hand what we are all about.

Whether you are a student, young professional, or a seasoned industry veteran, we offer many exciting benefits to our inducted membership!

Patrick Ridder, MBCP, MBCI, CHPCP Business Continuity/ Disaster Recovery DIRECTV, Inc.

​DRI International Chapter

Membership in the Order of the Sword and Shield National Honor Society will immediately set you apart from your peers. I can tell you first hand, after being inducted into the Honor Society in 2012, many doors have opened. When applying to Graduate school at Boston University, the Dean commented to me, "You have a homeland security degree and you are a member of a homeland security honor society?" Needless to say, 3 weeks later, I received my acceptance letter.

Coming Soon!

Member Log In

When your institution partners with the academic and professional honor society dedicated exclusively to the entire Homeland Security Enterprise, your students or certified membership will stand out!

I was notified shortly after receiving my Masters Certification in Business Continuity Management that DRII’s Master ranks were now being inducted into the Order of the Sword and Shield. I was pleasantly surprised as I started to research the mission, values and charter of the society. To have earned a place beside such noble professions as Homeland Security and Emergency Management was truly an honor. As an active professional in several circles, I feel I can speak for my fellow planners when I say that we’ve long believed in our purpose and mission. Often times our passion for bringing quality services to our employer is met with a lukewarm reception. Yet, we continue to drive forward a message of awareness, preparation and response that will ultimately enable a much greater sense of self-reliance during unplanned catastrophes. My induction into the Order of the Sword and Shield sends a message that our tenacity will bring about change and our efforts are recognized among other professionals that put the needs of others above their own.
​​Order of the Sword & Shield
The Academic and Professional Honor Society
for all Homeland Security Disciplines

We view our Society as the “gateway” for academic excellence across the entire Homeland Security Enterprise.  As an honor society, we want to continue our growth.  To date, we are planning to expand our mission into other exciting areas, such as:

  • Center for Teaching Excellence supporting the Homeland Security Academic Discipline.
  • National depository of college curriculum, model industry programs, best practices, and industry standards.
  • Sponsorship of meetings and conferences with opportunities for speaking engagements, paper presentations, and group forums.

We provide: 

  • Public recognition as an outstanding individual in your discipline.

  • Opportunity to apply for generous Scholarships, Awards, and Grants.

  • Opportunity to participate in activities which promote your interests.

  • Opportunity to network with other high-achieving individuals of common interest.

  • Opportunity to develop key skills in organization/chapter sponsored activities.

  • Life-long membership in an active organization devoted to enhancing your profession.

Let's face it, having the leading national honor society dedicated to homeland security, intelligence, emergency management, and all protective security disciplines recognize you as an outstanding student or professional says a lot. In today's difficult economy, even outstanding students and professionals could use a little more recognition as added value on their resumes. 

So, what's to think about... 

In addition, you will receive:

  • A personalized induction certificate suitable for framing.

  • ​An official membership card as evidence of your achievement.

  • A personalized Letter of Membership (upon request).

  • Opportunity to purchase and wear academic regalia (cords, stoles, and medals) at your graduation. 

  • Discounts on future Society events and conferences.
