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​​Order of the Sword & Shield
The Academic and Professional Honor Society
for all Homeland Security Disciplines

​      University of Alaska Fairbanks - Graduation Ceremony

Homeland Security News...

Valentines For Veterans...

We Are More Than Academic Excellence...

Membership is a Value Added Solution...

Membership in the Order of the Sword and Shield National Honor Society will immediately set you apart from your peers. I can tell you first hand, after being inducted into the Honor Society in 2012, many doors have opened. When applying to Graduate school at Boston University, the Dean commented to me, "You have a homeland security degree and you are a member of a homeland security honor society?" Needless to say, 3 weeks later, I received my acceptance letter.   Dr. Thomas Swenson, FEMA

Purchase your graduation regalia and merchandise! 

  • Exclusive items
  • ​Package discounts
  • Limited supplies
  • Show your pride!

We arthe Order of the Sword & Shield, 

Let's face it, having the leading national honor society dedicated to homeland security, intelligence, emergency management, cyber and information security, and all protective security disciplines recognize you as an outstanding student or professional says a lot. In today's difficult economy, even outstanding students and professionals could use a little more recognition as added value on their resumes. 

​​​​We don't believe in yearly dues!  The only fee for full lifetime membership is a onetime application fee of $75.  

Click here for more benefits

In addition, you will receive:

  • A personalized induction certificate suitable for framing.
  • ​An official membership card as evidence of your achievement.
  • A personalized Letter of Membership Standing (upon request).
  • Opportunity to purchase and wear academic regalia (cords, stoles, and medals) at your graduation. 
  • Discounts on future Society events and conferences.

Eligible Members Can Join Today!

Internet Safety For Kids...


Whether you are a student, young professional, or a seasoned industry veteran, we offer many benefits to our inducted membership.

Tunnel To Towers Volunteers...

Emergency Prep For Seniors...

We provide: 

  • Public recognition as a high-achieving individual in your discipline.
  • Opportunity to apply for financial Scholarships, Awards, and Grants.
  • Opportunity to network with other high-achieving individuals of common interest.
  • Opportunity to develop key skills in organization/chapter sponsored activities.
  • Life-long membership in an active organization devoted to enhancing your profession.

The Benefits of Membership

Omicron Sigma Sigma. Our inducted members come from the top academic and professional organizations across the United States.  With more than 90 active chapters, the Order of the Sword & Shield National Honor Society is the largest and most respected organization representing the Homeland Security, Intelligence, Emergency Management, Cyber and Information Security, and all Protective Security disciplines.  We are the only honor society to represent the complete homeland security mission, and have been universally recognized as the leading voice in academic and professional recognition in our emerging sectors.

Giving back to our communities is very important to us.  All of our members, chapters, and employees (our entire Society family) are encouraged to volunteer in some form of service-related activity.  We are committed to helping local communities prepare for safety and emergency situations by sponsoring  events throughout the year.

We need your help!  Volunteer today!